Monday, March 4, 2013

Narendra Modi

I'm fed up with the hand wringing over at Via Meadia about Narendra Modi. They're too cowardly to take a clear position, but feel a constant need to remind us of our predicament. Screw Modi. If he wins, he'll either deal with America or he won't. But there's no reason for us to court the bastard.

When it comes to talking about Asia Via Meadia pushes this Games of Thrones metaphor way too much. That's just bullshit because in The Game of Thrones is a zero-sum game. Sure there's coalition forming, but there can only be one king.

That's the wrong sort of attitude to have in Asia. Having that sort of attitude will hurt American interests. Because there are plenty of actors caught between the US and China and they do poorly if you turn this into a zero-sum game.

Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Australia. Even the likes of Vietnam. They want an off-shore balancer. They want options not dilemmas.

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