Saturday, February 23, 2013

I'm Back and Cooking with Steam

Term is sneaking up on me. I'm happy to report that I had a quite decent vacation in Guangdong/Hong Kong. We did lots and lots, but in the interest of brevity I'll limit myself to making three remarks.

1. I love Hong Kong milk tea.

2. King Rat is an amazing book.

3. Cooking with steam is a whole lot of fun.

All of those things deserve more in-depth treatment, but I find I need to rest up from my holiday.

People coming to the site for Chinese idioms, pronouns, Chinese language information in general, don't worry; I haven't forgotten about you. New posts will be coming your way.

Also, my economics class has either already started or is about to start. It is a distance module via the School of Oriental and African Studies. Last year I didn't exactly take to the online learning enviroment. So I will be posting more economic related topics for the next twenty weeks or so.

In fine, Happy Spring Festival!

Overton Window vs. Ratchet

The New Right, whatever they want to call themselves, is obsessed with a few key ideas. One of the most prominent of those ideas is the Over...